Want to talk to the club welfare officer? Click here to contact Sarah Buchan our welfare officer.
Wavepower: Swim England's safeguarding policy and procedures
Wavepower is Swim England’s safeguarding policy and procedures document.
Its aim is to ensure everyone is able to enjoy our sports and aquatic activity in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment in line with current legislation, regulations and guidance.
At the beginning of 2024, an updated version of Wavepower was published by Swim England, As an affiliated club, Lancaster City Amateur Swimming And Water Polo Club has adopted Wavepower, you can review the policy by clicking the picture above.
This policy is part of Swim England’s commitment to create a culture in our sports and activities which makes everyone feel protected, included and welcomed – and that the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all participants is ingrained throughout our affiliated clubs and organisations.
LCASWPC Welfare Officer
If you have a safeguarding concern or have a question, then contact our welfare officer, Sarah Buchan by Clicking Here . N.B Only Sarah will receive the e-mail, no other member of the club will.
If you want to talk direct to Sarah, she can be found around the pool area on training nights or you can ask a coach to contact her on your behalf so she can arrange to meet up with you.